Order processing time: 3-7 business days
Shipped from Ukraine
*98% of packages delivered successfully
Standart shipping
• USA, Canada: 8-15 business days
• Europe: 8-12 business days
• Other countries: 8-15 business days
Shipping is effectuated according to a schedule.
*Please keep in mind that, during the holiday season, your shipment may take a little longer!
Customs and import taxes
Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. I am not responsible for clearance delays.
Returns & exchanges
I accept returns.
The buyer must contact me and ship back the item within 14 days of delivery.
Conditions of return:
• The buyer undertakes the return shipping costs.
• The buyer is responsible for the loss in value (as agreed upon with the seller) if an item is not returned in original condition.
I don't accept exchanges
Order cancellations: accepted.
Cancellation request: to be sent within 24 hours of purchase.
*The buyer is responsible for making requests within this timeframe.