Printable 2025 lunar calendar Gold kiss of the moon and sun + Desktop wallpaper, Ipad
Printable 2025 lunar calendar Gold kiss of the moon and sun + Desktop wallpaper, Ipad
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Embrace the celestial beauty of 2025 with this printable Lunar Calendar: Gold Kiss of the Moon and Sun. Featuring elegant boho moon phases in a stunning gold design, this digital calendar is perfect for adding a touch of cosmic charm to your wall art decor. Included is a matching desktop wallpaper for your iPad, making it a versatile and stylish addition to your daily life. Whether as a New Year gift or a personal treat, this instant download brings timeless beauty to any space. Elevate your home or office with this enchanting lunar-inspired artwork today!
Are you ready for 2025?
The "Gold Kiss of the Moon and Sun" Lunar Calendar is a celebration of the cosmos and the changing phases of the Moon throughout the year. You no longer need to look for two different calendars we have combined everything in one calendar!
This calendar combines two grids:
1)Calendar with moon phases;
2)Gregorian calendar.
These two factors make this calendar universal and user-friendly.
The calendar is read clockwise (in a circle). You will also be able to rotate it.
★This is 25x25 inches(64x64cm) max size lunar wall calendar for 2025;
★Bonus = 4 Screen resolution variations included for desktop and 2 screen resolutions for iPad;
★The calendar is illustrated in gold original linocut print with the kiss of the moon and sun.
★Makes for a lovely & practical Birthday gift, Christmas gift, New Year gift or Lunar New Year gift.
After purchase, you can download 11 high-resolution JPEG files (RGB, 300dpi), which will get you very clean, clear prints in the following sizes:
➤ 5 files for printing:
• 5.5x5.5in(14x14cm);
• 8.5x8.5in(21.6x21.6cm);
• 11x11in(28x28cm);
• 20x20in(50x50cm);
• 25x25in(64x64cm).
➤ Bonus = 4 Screen resolution variations included for desktop:
•2560 x 1664 px (MacBook Air M2 Compatible);
•1920x1080 - (16:9 Aspect Ratio);
•1920x1200 - (16:10 Aspect Ratio);
+2 iPad wallpaper:
•iPad or Tablet Wallpaper(Horizontal) 2732x2048px
• iPad or Tablet Wallpaper (Vertical): 2048x2732px
Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this calendar is more than just a timekeeping piece; it's an invitation to connect with the rhythms of the universe, a reflection of your appreciation for classical style, and a source of daily inspiration.
In addition calendar, we're thrilled to offer an INSTANT DOWNLOAD of a matching desktop wallpaper and iPad version. You can enjoy the celestial beauty and functionality on your digital devices, making it a seamless and aesthetic part of your daily life.
Elevate your living spaces with the allure of a calendar that captures the essence of the cosmos and the authenticity of classical style. Infuse your decor with the magic of celestial elegance and the warmth of a practical yet artistic piece. Redefine your surroundings with this remarkable 2025 Lunar Calendar and its digital companions, an embodiment of both artistic sophistication and the timeless wonder of the celestial world.
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Чому мистецтво для друку
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Як розпакувати файли Zip?
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Ліцензія та авторське право
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